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Khang Minh Group established Representative Office in the Central and the South of Vietnam

Mục lục bài viết

In order to concretize the nationwide market expansion strategy, Khang Minh Group Joint Stock Company has established a Southern Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City and a Central Region Office located in Da Nang City.

Accordingly, the representative offices in the two regions will represent Khang Minh to carry out transactions on the market, goods and related services that Khang Minh has registered for business, with the focus being on high-end products such as Conslab Thach. Brother.


Representative office in Da Nang:
Address: 5th floor – Sunrise Building, No. 25, 2/9 street – Da Nang city
Chief Representative: Mr. Huynh Quang Thai
Contact information: hotline 0913 522 225

Representative office in Ho Chi Minh City:
Address: Room 5.42 – 5th Floor Block B Charmington La Pointe Building No. 181 Cao Thang – Ward 12 – District 10 – HCMC
Chief Representative: Mr Nguyen Ngoc Thang.
Contact information: hotline 0913 522 225

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